BBC up the Tangshan story: a brawl began with a man putting his hand on the back of a woman he didn’t know at a…
truth is stranger than fiction
BBC up the Tangshan story: a brawl began with a man putting his hand on the back of a woman he didn’t know at a…
Cement tiles from Chee Hsin Pottery: #120/121b/122c and #170/171b/172c. This is a PS photo, done with this piece, by Huang ⇒ Yongjia Lu 永嘉路 Tianjin 易兆云旧居…
Chee Hsin Pottery produced two major types of tiles: cement and ceramic. Each pattern had flat and flute surfaces, which resulted in two different numbers.…
A gift from Mr. Huang This hexagon Chee Hsin ceramic tiles was also named clinker in the Sample Book. The measurement is 53/4 in height and width. 这个六角启新瓷砖也叫缸砖. 尺寸是…
A gift from Mr. Huang • 礼物 This red Chee Hsin cement tile and the blue were photographed in Chee Hsin Cement office building in Tangshan, as well…
纪念中国第一个洋灰公司 启新一百三十年 可在亚马逊上购买 . 范德比尔特,卡内基, 洛克菲勒. 大多数人都听说过美国首屈一指的工业家. 但谁是中国的第一任工业先锋? 周学熙, 启新洋灰的创始人.在经历过开平煤矿与胡佛和义和团起义的灭顶之灾之后,启新在没有任何外资援助的情况下垄断了国内市场.成为中国北方工业之父. 这本双语书是对中国第一家水泥公司及其创始人周学熙的纪念. 起源于一个北京亲戚的即兴探访. 翻译的部分来自三本不同的书(一本是中文,两本是英文). 这些书包括学术研究和周的孙女的叙述. 我以北京的四合院为背景,对家庭历史进行了个人观察. 超过70张图片(许多是迄今为止尚未发布)来说明启新水泥公司对中国日常生活的影响. 周学熙是我的曾舅祖. 此书是我家谱系列的第一本. 图片册 315-341 页
When Chee Hsin Cement created their power plant in 1906, they called it the “original power plant” (原动力厂), using a 1000-horsepower two-stage horizontal steam engine…
15 Xinhua E Rd, Lubei, Tangshan, Hebei, China The official name is Tangshan Qixin Cement Industrial Museum (唐山启新水泥工业博物馆) but people call it the old fashion way:…
A gift from Mr. Huang This square Chee Hsin ceramic tiles was also named clinker in the Sample Book. The measurement is 53/4. 这个四方型启新瓷砖也叫缸砖. 尺寸是 53/4 英寸. The…
A gift from Mr. Huang • 来自黄志强先生的礼物 This blue Chee Hsin cement tile and the red were photographed in Chee Hsin Cement office building in Tangshan,…