One of the parks I went often.
truth is stranger than fiction
One of the parks I went often.
China’s First Cement Company Chee Hsin 130 Years is sold on Amazon Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller. Most everyone has heard of America’s greatest industrialists, but who was…
15 Xinhua E Rd, Lubei, Tangshan, Hebei, China The official name is Tangshan Qixin Cement Industrial Museum (唐山启新水泥工业博物馆) but people call it the old fashion way:…
Chee Hsin Pottery‘s cement tiles. The border/trim was #121b or #171b. The central tiles were and 109/159, which is identical to my home, as well as…
A gift from Mr. Huang This square Chee Hsin ceramic tiles was also named clinker in the Sample Book. The measurement is 53/4. 这个四方型启新瓷砖也叫缸砖. 尺寸是 53/4 英寸. The…
The Palace of Yogyakarta on Java Island, Indonesia • 印尼爪哇岛上的日惹皇宫. Courtesy of Mr. Huang Chee Hsin Pottery‘s QX #109 cement tiles are seen in the Palace of Yogyakarta…
Guanfang Hutong, Beijing, 2014 This Chee Hsin cement tile was from Lily’s siheyuan in Beijing. The specs are 77/8″ square, 1″ thick and 3.85 pounds in weight. I…
Guanfang Hutong, Beijing This Chee Hsin cement tile was from Grandaunt Lily’s siheyuan in Beijing. The specs are 77/8″ square, 1″ thick and 3.85 pounds in…
A gift from Mr. Huang • 来自黄志强先生的礼物 This blue Chee Hsin cement tile and the red were photographed in Chee Hsin Cement office building in Tangshan,…