Becoming a farmer! One of many things and foods I tried during this covid-19 pandemic is to grow my own stuff: oyster mushroom stick I…
truth is stranger than fiction
Becoming a farmer! One of many things and foods I tried during this covid-19 pandemic is to grow my own stuff: oyster mushroom stick I…
The Chinese: A General Description of the Empire of China and its Inhabitants, by Sir John Francis Davis, esq. F.R.S. etc., had two volumes published…
Cement tiles from Chee Hsin Pottery: #120/121b/122c and #170/171b/172c. This is a PS photo, done with this piece, by Huang ⇒ Yongjia Lu 永嘉路 Tianjin 易兆云旧居…
Shenshi (绅士, shen-shih), literati, refers to the class of people in China who were educated therefore accorded with privileges. Aside from dressed differently, they could attend…
What’s trending now? a controversy as a woman claims ¥3m Yuan insurance for delayed flight. 就事论事,人日的发声不错[强]。(is gone 404 by 12pm on June 13) 其中的关键,也不在保险公司,保险公司最多是道德问题。 关键是警权的滥用,放人、赔偿、公开道歉、追究相关人员责任。…
Chee Hsin Pottery produced two major types of tiles: cement and ceramic. Each pattern had flat and flute surfaces, which resulted in two different numbers.…
A gift from Mr. Huang This hexagon Chee Hsin ceramic tiles was also named clinker in the Sample Book. The measurement is 53/4 in height and width. 这个六角启新瓷砖也叫缸砖. 尺寸是…
A gift from Mr. Huang • 礼物 This red Chee Hsin cement tile and the blue were photographed in Chee Hsin Cement office building in Tangshan, as well…