Abalone is one of many shell fish that I like, and most of them are from cans.
truth is stranger than fiction
Abalone is one of many shell fish that I like, and most of them are from cans.
Still in the covid-19 pandemic, National Geographic sent out their small ship expeditions 2021-2, 70+ pages catalogue. First, they used or wasted a lot of paper…
A fake $5 bill! I went to Flushing this morning, mainly to buy moon cakes but, of course to get some foods. At You Garden,…
The last wine opener had been in use for years, if not decade. (I checked online, it costs $3.99, not sure about the quality but looks…
Was Benjamin Franklin (1706-90) the first man to bring soybeans to U.S. and was Henry Ford’s $39,000 soybean suit the costiest? Beancurd, or tofu (doufu 豆腐)…
Lao Gan Ma (old godmother) chilli sauce is very popular, inside and outside of China, and for a while it was in my refrigerator too.…
Becoming a farmer! One of many things and foods I tried during this covid-19 pandemic is to grow my own stuff: oyster mushroom stick I…