The former site of Soochow Hospital. Soochow was the old spelling of Suzhou. William Park was one of the two founders. The former site includes 荫庐…
truth is stranger than fiction
truth is stranger than fiction
The former site of Soochow Hospital. Soochow was the old spelling of Suzhou. William Park was one of the two founders. The former site includes 荫庐…
This photo is from Feng Guoyin who found this tile in Wuxi: Lee Noong Brick Kiln Ltd. 无锡严家桥利农砖厂 咋天还又背回一块洋瓦,洗干净一看是无锡严家桥利农砖厂造的,网上一查,这厂是严家桥地区最早出现的民族工业,创业人唐得谦民国九年引进德国西门子制砖机开始制瓦的,中山陵建造时也用了该厂的红砖,LNBK是无锡利农砖瓦厂英文缩写 More on this manufacturer: 2019: 中山陵也用“无锡利农”砖!…
惠南镇新华路8号 Some tiles in this house used Chee Hsin #110 and trim #171. All photos in this post are from Feng Guoyin: 一转弯就到了惠南有名的小洋楼潘氏宅。有个老先生告知,这宅后代有兄弟姐妹6人是由3个妈妈生的所以大家不来往,这房子国家要他们自已解决里面的72家房客的搬迁问题,那是个天文数字钱,所以后代放弃了。政府就维修了一下。每朵花不一样,彩色地砖和水门汀压花的花样均很好。 More info on…
惠南镇人民东路3218号 The former Xia residency in Pudong, on Renmin Road. The tiles (#109 or #159) at this old home is the same as my childhood…
The following tiles are seen at the mansion at 1, Alley 366, Hefei Road in Huangpu District. Not sure all of them are QX115/165 by Chee…
1056 Yangshupu Road Shanghai QX #109 or #159: the tiles are identical to my childhood home. These Chee Hsin tiles are seen at the front…
Chee Hsin tiles: the center tile number is #116, the trim or border tile is #121 or #171. The specs are measured 77/8 square, 1″…
Cement tiles (central) from Chee Hsin Pottery: #110 and #170, from Shen’s Garden at 502 Middle Jiefang Road, Nanqiao Zhen, Fengxian District. It was built for…
The old Chee Hsin Cement in Shanghai was at 87 E Beijing Road. 上海市北京东路87号, 原启新洋灰公司上海总批发所. Per Huang: 1924年, 启新洋灰公司在上海王家码头开办了花砖厂,称为花砖南分厂. 销售花砖等水泥产品. 同时,启新还在天津东站唐家口建立花砖北分厂. 1933年, 在北京又建成一家花砖厂. 上海外滩的海关大楼、北京故宫的文华殿、天津五大道的名人故居等, 众多中国著名建筑都铺装有启新花砖. photo…
Chee Hsin Pottery‘s Shanghai factory 上海花砖厂 was in Wang’s Wharf, Wangjia Matou. The photo from 360doc shows it was a public wharf. The Pottery and…