The south-facing balcony at 600 Yongjia Road, Shanghai This Chee Hsin tiles is #117/#167, seen in Shanghai @ 永嘉路600号.
truth is stranger than fiction
truth is stranger than fiction
The south-facing balcony at 600 Yongjia Road, Shanghai This Chee Hsin tiles is #117/#167, seen in Shanghai @ 永嘉路600号.
This set of tiles is seen at 159 Nanchang Lu 南昌路 159号, Shanghai. They look a lot like some of Chee Hsin tiles.
66 Duolun Lu/Road 多伦路66号 Shanghai, China Chee Hsin tile QX #110. Feng visited this home and discovered four different designs of tiles. 但门口没这种楼,但发现了一个好奇现象整个一楼从大门到厅再到厨房和后厅发现用了四种式样四种颜色的彩色地砖. A few more…
This Chee Hsin tile QX #110 is seen at Lane 550, No. 10, South Shaanxi Road, 10 陕西南路550弄, Shanghai.
This Chee Hsin tile QX #110 is seen at 朱氏民宅 @ 高桥镇北街291-3号, Pudong, Shanghai. According to wiki, Gaoqiao (High Bridge) is a town in Pudong new…
Yongjia Lu | 5 永嘉路二十五弄 Shanghai Chee Hsin tiles #120 or #170 Fend said that she wanted to visit this building for a while but…
Feng sent this photo for translation, taken at 60 HongLanGan Jie (60 Red Railing St.) 红栏杆街60号. The information I gathered, mostly from (and showed that it was a…
惠南镇新华路8号 Some tiles in this house used Chee Hsin #110 and trim #171. All photos in this post are from Feng Guoyin: 一转弯就到了惠南有名的小洋楼潘氏宅。有个老先生告知,这宅后代有兄弟姐妹6人是由3个妈妈生的所以大家不来往,这房子国家要他们自已解决里面的72家房客的搬迁问题,那是个天文数字钱,所以后代放弃了。政府就维修了一下。每朵花不一样,彩色地砖和水门汀压花的花样均很好。 More info on…
惠南镇人民东路3218号 The former Xia residency in Pudong, on Renmin Road. The tiles (#109 or #159) at this old home is the same as my childhood…
1056 Yangshupu Road Shanghai QX #109 or #159: the tiles are identical to my childhood home. These Chee Hsin tiles are seen at the front…