Dr. Yu is Secretary of State Mike Pompeo‘s muliao who teaches modern China and military history at US Naval Academy, and is “disdain for Western apologists for the Chinese Communist government and its many crimes.” [1]
The monument at his former high school Yongchuan in Chongqing 重庆永川中学. His name is next to 1979. It honored his academic achievement as the zhuangyuan 状元 (#1 scholar or the highest scorer) in the college entrance exam (gaokao) in that year.
After the Washington Times‘ report in June, this past summer, he becomes a target of China.
- Chairman Mao’s stance: 阿Q到底姓什么虽不清楚,但也没有听说他曾被开除家籍
First, his name is seen being chiseled off monument. Then, in September, he is kicked out from a family tree in Anhui that he doesn’t even know he was on.
9.14: 主张强硬对抗中国并指美国政府应把中国人民和中共政权区别开来的余茂春,自幼随父母移居重庆,据了解,他在安徽并无直系血亲,但网上本月上旬流传片段显示,余茂春故乡安徽的余氏一众族人召开名为「愤怒声讨汉奸余茂春」的会议,主题之下的小题订明是「开除余茂春族籍、驱逐出族谱」
在此之前,中共前总书记政治秘书鲍朴于7月28日的推特上转发一则视频,显示一名石匠正用铁凿除去余茂春三个大字。鲍朴发帖说:「改写历史,留此为证:『余茂春被重庆永川中学除掉高考状元』」。 余茂春是重庆永川中学高考状元,1979年考入天津南开大学,永川中学曾把该校几位高考状元的名字刻在校园的石碑上,其中一行文字是「1979年 文科 余茂春」
More here; President Xi honoring his heroes.
[1] scmp: US-China relations: Mike Pompeo’s China adviser has name chiselled off school monument, 2020.7.29
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