Learned something new today: waiting online because of too many concert goers that I’ll have to wait to enter their website, seriously. “We are currently…
truth is stranger than fiction
Learned something new today: waiting online because of too many concert goers that I’ll have to wait to enter their website, seriously. “We are currently…
He’s going to Waseda! 他要去早稻田大学! Pachinko (📖2017 by Min Jin Lee; 📺 by Apple 2022): This Apple TV+ series is based on 2017 novel by…
Chee Hsin tiles? This modern tv series (2017-23) is about a few girls who are roommates in an apartment in Shanghai. 江疏影、杨采钰、张佳宁、窦骁 领衔主演 This is…
2024.7.08: 人民网>>中国人大新闻>>代表委员报道集 官员谈柴静赴美生子:成本低为国籍无罚款 2014年03月05日 来源:人民网 手机看新闻 柴静美国生子引发舆论争议(资料图) 人民网北京3月4日电 (记者 吴亚雄)据《京华时报》报道,对张艺谋天价社会抚养费的处罚,国家卫生和计划生育委员会科学技术研究所所长马旭称张艺谋没申诉,表现非常好。对柴静赴美生子的社会现象,他称:首先是成本低;二是超生也没社会抚养费,国外不收;三是可取得外国国籍。 以下是《京华时报》专访原文 记者:您对张艺谋天价社会抚养费的处罚如何看待? 马旭:我认为,无锡征收的社会抚养费,与张艺谋本人的收入挂钩,本身有依据。张没有申诉,他表现非常好。实际上,比如北京,社会抚养费的征收是根据每个区的经济状况来决定的,西城的居民罚款肯定比延庆高,北京市居民平均年收入最高的区是海淀。 记者:您如何看待柴静赴美国生子的这种社会现象? 马旭:我认为选择到国外生孩子几个原因,首先是成本低;第二是即使超生也没有社会抚养费,国外不收;第三是可以取得外国国籍。 新闻链接:易中天力挺柴静美国生孩子 据中国新闻网报道,日前易中天接受采访时谈到一些热点话题,其中在被问到“柴静美国产女”的看法时,他说:“对柴静在美国生孩子,表示一下支持吧,同时也欢迎美国人到中国来生孩子,中美不是要建立面向二十一世纪的战略伙伴关系吗?中国人到美国生孩子是不是有助于建立这种关系?当然我们也欢迎美国人来中国生。最好两国互生。” (来源:人民网) 分享到:分享按钮 延伸阅读: 广州11区县首晒社会抚养费 2012年征收总额超4亿元 评张艺谋超生事件:“丢”的不仅是张艺谋 学者建议建立抚养费征收透明机制 45个县社会抚养费征收审计调查结果公布…
Killers of the Flower Moon (book 2017, movie 2023). I enjoyed listening to this book, and am looking forward to the movie. So yesterday a…
The new mini series In reporting something else, Fareed Zakaria mentioned that President Biden had hosted the screening of the upcoming Disney+ tv series American…
Chee Hsin tiles QX #117/#167 are seen in Shichahai, which was a 37 episode tv series, made in 2020. It’s about a family that lives on a…
This 8 episode mini tv series on Hulu is based on book of the same title – Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors and the Drug Company that Addicted…
This eight episode mini series (2016) is about a murder in New York, and the criminal justice system that follows. Both story and acting are…
Insecure or an ad stunner? Emily in Paris season II is here, with a rather big complain, coming from Cultural Minister of Ukraine, who thinks…