66 Duolun Lu/Road 多伦路66号 Shanghai, China Chee Hsin tile QX #110. Feng visited this home and discovered four different designs of tiles. 但门口没这种楼,但发现了一个好奇现象整个一楼从大门到厅再到厨房和后厅发现用了四种式样四种颜色的彩色地砖. A few more…
truth is stranger than fiction
truth is stranger than fiction
66 Duolun Lu/Road 多伦路66号 Shanghai, China Chee Hsin tile QX #110. Feng visited this home and discovered four different designs of tiles. 但门口没这种楼,但发现了一个好奇现象整个一楼从大门到厅再到厨房和后厅发现用了四种式样四种颜色的彩色地砖. A few more…
This Chee Hsin tile QX #110 is seen at Lane 550, No. 10, South Shaanxi Road, 10 陕西南路550弄, Shanghai.
This Chee Hsin tile QX #110 is seen at 朱氏民宅 @ 高桥镇北街291-3号, Pudong, Shanghai. According to wiki, Gaoqiao (High Bridge) is a town in Pudong new…
Yongjia Lu | 5 永嘉路二十五弄 Shanghai Chee Hsin tiles #120 or #170 Fend said that she wanted to visit this building for a while but…
Chee Hsin tiles, QX #115/165, trim #123 are found in Suzhou. I’ve never seen the top half tiles before.
Chee Hsin tiles QX #110 and trim #123 are seen in Suzhou, 60 Guwu Road 古吴路60号.
Chee Hsin tiles QX #? and trim #171 are seen at childhood home of actor and director Shu Shi 舒适. At the time, his father was…
Phots are from Feng who wrote on the paifang “这是昌溪村的国保清代木牌坊. 8一9门口的砖雕很美很精致而且都没被破坏.” .
Photos are from Feng: 下午去了歙县的昌溪古村.一进村就捡到这座姚氏节孝坊, kind of paifang.这村口有2棵2千年的樟树也是老人想子女等孩子的地方.革命语录还保留着. Built during the reign of Guangxu (1875-1908) by the wealthy merchant Wu Xixu 吴锡叙, Jiuzi Land 九子巷…
Photos are from Feng: the former residence of Xu Youzhang at Xu Village. The wood carving doors and windows are beautiful. The door is 仪门头,…