Wiki: “this is a 2015 television drama mini-series from New Zealand. The series uses fictional characters to depict the impact of the First World War on New Zealanders at home as well as in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force during the Gallipoli Campaign and in Egypt.”
ANZAC day (⇒Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) is Australia and New Zealand’s major day of remembrance, of the failed Gallipoli Campaign. Winston Churchill was blamed … but he came back strong during the WW II, became one of the most popular leaders in the world.
The title of each episode (six in total) is named after one character’s letter, which is pretty neat. The series touched on New Zealand War (1845-72, Māori) and the treatment of Germans who lived in NZ during the WW I, gays and premarital pregnancy.
Over all, it’s a good series.
每一集的名字都是某人的信 – 小诗情画意
景致好 故事挺好 演技不错 没有美女 (虽然演员的照片挺漂亮)
同性恋 未婚孕 … 禁果
加里波利战役是丘吉尔的黑点 但二战令到他咸鱼翻身. 英名远扬 永垂青史 – 小肉嘛
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