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Leap 中国女排

I watched this 2020 movie on Amazon: pretty good.

The music sounded very Hollywood. Cinematography is very good. The story is simply: to win.

I’ve been following Chinese women’s volleyball sporadically, so I enjoyed it as a somewhat ‘insider’. Not sure it would mean same for people who don’t know the background.  I’ve read some reportage of Lang Ping 郎平, the legendary player-turned coach who led team of China and team of USA. The movie opened with her team USA defeated her former team China in Beijing Olympics in 2008. A little footnotes: she was the MVP of women volleyball in 1984 Olympics in LA, beating the home team to win the Gold, and won the gold medal with team China in 2016 Rio Olympics.

There are some cute stories: getting their hair permed before going overseas, and first taste of coffee: bitter, like Chinese medicine -:).

My mother loved volleyball and was on her school team 俺妈妈是打校队的 [爱心] 纪念一下

The former soccer coach for team China, Marcello Lippi who resigned in 2019 after losing to Syria – YES lost to Syria!!! He said, My pay is very high, and I take all the blame. His pay in 2018 was $28 million, only second to Manchester United’s Jose Mourinho’s $31 million. But  Manchester United ranks high on Fifa while China is 73rd. Now I’m wondering how much Lang Ping is paid for her skipper-ship.

好多排球🏐️比赛 [强] 音乐挺荷里活的 故事是拍给中国人看的.
俺时不时看看女排 所以觉得这个🎬和纪录片差不多. 巩俐直接做了教练 所以开始一部分没有她 (也许有 但俺老眼昏花没看见) = 没有她练/打球的戏 小失望.

球衣上的中国字 如果换成毛主席写的是不是会漂亮好多?[强]
出国比赛前去电头发 [偷笑]初喝咖啡 苦 中药味 [呲牙]

猜想1 这些娃娃们长的都漂亮. 不知道她们的长腿有多少寸?应该比沙娃的长吧?

猜想2: 男足⚽️ 那个辞职🇮🇹主教练的年薪会是郎平的几倍?

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