To survive a heavy rainy Monday, is to read a book. My last book When Breath Becomes Air, (2016) was read in a prefect sitting, among the golden foliage and brilliant sunshine. Think England, the cloudy weather often comes to mind. So, it’s a good fit. Another reason for this book is the recent tv series, The Crown when Prince Charles comes in, as a major character.
Prince Charles: The Passions and Paradoxes of an Improbable Life, by Sally Bedell Smith, 2017.
Smith is determined to make the prince a sympathetic figure and she succeeded.
- He knew his wife, whoever that might be, would have to sacrifice … because it’s a job.
- He longed to be doing something meaningful, to help.
- He knew he has, might be 40 years, waiting for the throne...
Camilla, is actually a winner. Her first husband, Andrew Parker Bowles (1939-), a former British army officer, was vied by many females suitors, that included Princess Anne, the kid sister of Prince Charles. And Camilla won him over. Together, they have a son and a daughter.
With Charles, she was seen as a good training ground for Charles because, appear to be a virgin was still a requirement, at least till Diana’s time. And she certain was not. She loved party and was, maybe still is, the center of any gathering, a fun loving woman.
巴基斯坦出生的Hasnat Khan 是心脏和肺外科医生. 没有结果的原因是,她需要24/7的陪伴. 手术时不能回她电话 事后就要闹得翻天覆地的. 他觉得窒息 所以分手.
最后一个是埃及出生的富二Dodi 豆滴. 他老爸1984年买了30% Harrods 哈罗斯百货店… 后来二次申请🇬🇧国籍都被拒绝. 豆滴无业游民一枚 can’t keep a job 还吸毒.
她是不是有些自作自受? 漂漂亮亮的小菇凉 又懂得玩媒体 怎么会爱上这个钱先生哪?
这个作者先后写了戴 (1999). 18年后写了老公.
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