Phots are from Feng who wrote on the paifang “这是昌溪村的国保清代木牌坊. 8一9门口的砖雕很美很精致而且都没被破坏.” .
truth is stranger than fiction
truth is stranger than fiction
Phots are from Feng who wrote on the paifang “这是昌溪村的国保清代木牌坊. 8一9门口的砖雕很美很精致而且都没被破坏.” .
Photos are from Feng: 下午去了歙县的昌溪古村.一进村就捡到这座姚氏节孝坊, kind of paifang.这村口有2棵2千年的樟树也是老人想子女等孩子的地方.革命语录还保留着. Built during the reign of Guangxu (1875-1908) by the wealthy merchant Wu Xixu 吴锡叙, Jiuzi Land 九子巷…
Photos are from Feng: the former residence of Xu Youzhang at Xu Village. The wood carving doors and windows are beautiful. The door is 仪门头,…
Shexian county, Anhui province. More 节孝坊, Wood paifang 木牌坊. Feng wrote” 歙县的许村找国保6座牌坊.真的很吃惊在那小村子里藏着这些牌坊.交通不便出租车师付要付来回车费那还不如包他车,这个决定很正确没车看不了这些牌坊和老宅.” 2个套在一起的牌坊 & 安徽最小的座牌坊,大观亭是村民们聊天的好地方. 是还存在的一些仪门头, look like the YinYuTang 荫余堂 @ PEM, below;…