In early 2019, a new term in the President Trump’s trade war with China caught my attention: “enforcement measures”. When the Phase One trade deal was…
truth is stranger than fiction
In early 2019, a new term in the President Trump’s trade war with China caught my attention: “enforcement measures”. When the Phase One trade deal was…
The Chinese: A General Description of the Empire of China and its Inhabitants, by Sir John Francis Davis, esq. F.R.S. etc., had two volumes published…
What’s trending now? a controversy as a woman claims ¥3m Yuan insurance for delayed flight. 就事论事,人日的发声不错[强]。(is gone 404 by 12pm on June 13) 其中的关键,也不在保险公司,保险公司最多是道德问题。 关键是警权的滥用,放人、赔偿、公开道歉、追究相关人员责任。…
On 1878.07.24, Kaiping Mines opened for business · 开平矿务局 The Kaiping Mines 1877-1912 By Ellsworth C. Carlson, 1971 Chapter I Origins and Early Development of the Kaiping…
Chinese idiom that when a man attains a high position, even his pets ascend to heaven with him ( 一人得道, 鸡犬升天 ), rings truth, still.…
Moroccan businessman Richard Attias (1959-) founded this organization in 2010. The event in 2012 was $80 pp, with appearance Michael Bloomberg. Part of the discussion…